MLS Player Stats


Understanding MLS Player Stats

Popular MLS player stats are similar to those in the top European leagues. The most prominent are statistics like saves, goals and assists.

The Golden Boot winner is the player who manages to score the most goals by the end of the regular season. For MLS betting, it’s critical knowing the players who take penalty kicks for their clubs. Because they have a high conversion rate, penalties can tilt the race in a player’s favor. The player voted the best in the MLS in a given season is awarded the Landon Donovan MVP Award.

The counting statistics shouldn’t be ignored but they’re not the only ones worth paying attention to. Penalty kicks count just the same as open play goals but researching a striker’s open play goals may give a better indication of their impact. Goalkeepers are judged on save percentage and clean sheets, however looking up goals conceded minus expected goals can provide a broader measure of their impact.

If you’re betting on MLS, knowing which players on each team in a matchup are suspended, injured or an international duty is crucial. Teams can lose half of their starting lineups or more during World Cup qualifiers or summer tournaments and those absences will be baked into the point spreads.

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