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Everyone loves betting on sports: NFL, the NBA and major college athletics; however, there are plenty of sports that fall outside that scope. They may not be the events that get the opening block on the sports shows, but they are available for your viewing pleasure and to bet on, nonetheless.

How to Bet On:


Betting on the CFL is just like betting on the NFL and college football. You’ll have a spread with one team likely favored and the other an underdog. You’ll also be able to bet on the total, and on whether there will be more or less points than the specific combined total, which the sportsbook has already set for that game. You can also bet on one team to win straight up, (no spread to cover); it’s also popular to bet on future events such as which team will win the Grey Cup, the CFL’s championship trophy.


In Tennis, one can bet futures, let's say on a player who will win the tennis tournament they're participating in, or you can bet on players in individual matches. There are also spreads in tennis. If Rafael Nadal is -1.5 against Andy Roddick for example, it means Nadal would have to win by two games. You can also bet the total of games played.


In golf , they participate in tournaments almost weekly. You can bet on an individual golfer to win the tournament outright before the start of that week’s tournament, as well as live-bet them as the days go on. You can also bet one golfer to outperform another particular golfer, as well as the highest-finishing player of certain nationalities.

Horse Racing

To the average bettor, horse racing may just be three major races a year. To others, it’s a year-round way of life. For some, it’s all they ever gamble on. For the big races like the Kentucky Derby, you’ll be able to find them on many sportsbooks; however, random races in Yonkers, NY on a Wednesday afternoon will require bettors to go to a race book rather than a sportsbook.


Esports is still incredibly new on the radar. Very popular in particular circles and online, the great majority of Esports is not televised, which makes it harder for the average sports bettor to get on board. People like to bet on the sports they can and like to watch. Some people bet on sports only because it’s what’s on television that night. While definitely growing, Esports has yet to see its peak in popularity.

Olympic Games

The Olympics are an event held every two years, for winter and summer. Bettors can wager on individual sporting events, while also being able to bet on the country that will win the most total medals and/or the most gold medals.


Betting on cycling to many is like betting on the Indy 500. It’s the biggest race in its respective sport, but after that big-named event -in this case the Tour De France- popularity, buzz and viewership go down.

To Take Into Consideration Before Betting on Sports

With some of the sports we’ve gone over, you’ll find that, since they’re not quite as popular or revenue-generating, there won’t be as many outlets writing and reporting on the events as for major sports, or even golf, tennis or horse racing.

Don’t bet what you don’t know. The Olympics can be trendy every few years. But don’t take an athlete or a country blindly in an event if you haven’t done any research on.

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