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Betting on races is as old as time. It goes way back to the days of the Coliseum, when the Romans would race their chariots. Onlookers and spectators have always liked to have something going on the side,  ‘extra action’, if you will. On this site, you’ll find schedules for some of the world’s biggest racing leagues; including NASCAR, Formula 1, and World Rally Car.

How to Bet on Different Types of Motorsports?


NASCAR and Formula 1 are arguably the two most popular racing leagues in the world. NASCAR is more popular in the United States than internationally. Formula 1 is more popular globally, sort of like comparing American Football with soccer.

Picking A Driver

The most simple is picking a driver to win the given race outright. Keep in mind that you’re picking one driver out of a field of dozens of drivers, so the odds of you selecting the right one are low.
That’s why you’ll see that even the favorite will be something around +300. With odds starting at that and often going up, you can afford to bet two or three drivers and still make a profit if one of them wins.
If picking a driver to win seems too daunting, you can bet that same driver will finish in the top three, five, or ten. Some books offer top 20 for NASCAR finishes.

Matchups bet

You can also bet matchups: one driver to outperform another driver. Another common bet is the winning make or manufacturer of the car in both F1 and NASCAR. Futures are also very popular, but those are mostly for over the course of a season instead of a single race.


Unlike sports such as football and basketball, there are no spreads in Motorsports. That sometimes confuses people new on Motorsports betting, especially if they have a background as a fan. You’ll often hear terms like “[Driver A] won by three-and-half lengths. While that is a common racing term, it in no way applies to anything related to gambling on the sport.

Before placing a wager, do your research. If you have a driver you want to bet on, take a few minutes and look at his track record, literally. Many times, drivers race better on certain tracks than others, whether it’s particular tracks or just certain styles of tracks.

Motorsports Betting FAQs

What Are Motorsports?

Motorsports include any sport that involves racing and/or the competitive driving of motor vehicles, according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary.

Can I Bet On Motorsports?

If sports gambling is legal in your region, then yes, absolutely.

What Types of Motorsports Are There to Bet On?

The typical racing leagues people bet on is NASCAR -popular in the United States- and Formula 1, which is gaining popularity in the United States but is still bigger on a global scale.

What Are Examples of Motorsports Bets?

The simplest wager there is out there on Motorsports is just picking one or a handful of drivers to win. Since only one driver can win out of the entire field of drivers, even the favorites will be at plus-money odds. You can also bet on which manufacturer will win the race. In NASCAR, you can bet whether the winning car will be a Chevrolet, a Ford or a Toyota. When betting F1, you can bet on teams as well, like Mercedes, Red Bull, Ferrari and McClaren.

What’s a Matchup Bet in Motorsports?

A matchup bet is selecting one driver you think will finish better than another particular driver. Since that type of bet is more of a 1v1, you’ll see odds closer to -110, sometimes with juice favoring one driver.
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